Fast and Unfussed Oil Painting (In-Person)
with Roger Chavez
Mondays, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Roger Chavez
Six-Week Short Course (18 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Cultivate fluid mark-making and bold approaches to subject matter through rapid and loose painting studies. Tight and precise painting, especially in the early stages of an artwork, can sometimes lead to work that appears stiff and over-labored, or to locked-in compositions that are difficult to change or correct. Working from the still life, cityscapes, and the life model, utilize short, small painting exercises to learn new ways of starting paintings, keeping compositions open to adjustment, and both initiating and retaining a sense of freshness in your forms and brushstrokes. Instruction will address color mixing, painting materials and methodologies, and the importance of setting a viable learning environment for your painting practice. Discover the beauty and freedom of loosening up your painting! Note: Tuition includes a $15 models fee.
Register by: March 3
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Regular: Mar 10 - Apr 14th, 2025
Mon for 6 weeks from 12:30 - 3:30 pmWill run
Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building
(215) 972-7600
128 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Get directions
Room: 1010