Saturday Sketch (Online)
with Susan Sullivan
Saturdays, 1 – 3 p.m. (Zoom with posted Canvas content)
Instructor: Susan Sullivan
Three-Week Short Course (9 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Sketching is the foundation for any artist's practice. A few thumbnail sketches can be the start to a larger project by triggering an idea or capturing a place or object. Whether you are new to the practice of maintaining a sketchbook or are already in the habit of drawing on the train or in cafés, this short course is designed to keep your hand in action and guide you toward your next art pursuit. Using your surroundings as well as arranged still lifes as your subject, learn to consider line, value, shape and light as means of efficiently encapsulating both places/objects and your emotional response. Topics of discussion and exploration will include how master artists have used the sketch in their own practice and each student’s goals for their current work. This engaging class is for both the beginner and the seasoned artist.
Register by: April 18
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Information for PAFA CE Online Courses
Regular: Apr 26 - May 10th, 2025
Sat for 3 weeks from 1:00 - 3:00 pmClass is canceled
Online Class
For more info, call us at (215) 972-7632