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Continuing Education at PAFA

All CE Fall 2024 In-Person and Online Courses & Workshops

Structural Figure Drawing and Painting (Online)


with Al Gury

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 22, 2024 at 3 pm, runs for 10 weeks

Sundays, 3 – 4 p.m. (Interactive asynchronous Canvas content supported by weekly Zoom meetings)
Instructor: Al Gury
Ten-Week Course (30-Hour Equivalent)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

Improve your drawing and painting skills in the use of the figure and portrait through exploration of figure anatomy and structure. Weekly Zoom presentations by the instructor will include Q&A concerning students technical and artistic questions and struggles in working with this subject, visual art history of the topic, a rich array of examples and styles of each topic as well as demo drawings and demo videos buy the instructor. Weekly projects will be presented in class and in the syllabus, and weekly assigned projects will be posted and critiqued on Canvas. Topics will include drawing structure and anatomy of the figure (including drawing media and techniques and styles), color and palettes and painting approaches to the figure, working from photos, life and master copies. The student learning goal is an improved and more secure understanding of drawing and painting the figure and portrait. Classes will be recorded for student review. This course is open to all media.

Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $595. Select credit option with price adjustment when registering.

Register by: September 13
Materials List
Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Information for PAFA CE Online Courses

Observational Painting Toward Expression and Abstraction (Online)


with Al Gury

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 22, 2024 at 4:30 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Sundays, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. (Interactive asynchronous Canvas content supported by weekly Zoom meetings)
Instructor: Al Gury        
Six-Week Condensed Course (30-Hour Equivalent)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

Explore the creative and expressive possibilities that can enhance your traditional and observational artwork. Each week the class on Zoom will begin with a traditional subject: still lifes, landscapes, portraits, interiors and figures and master works with a goal of exploring and bringing greater expression and creativity to the subject. Content will include Q&A about materials and processes that students might struggle with, the visual history of the creative diversity and variety of the subject in art history, color, style and compositional possibilities, richly informative materials posted in Canvas and video demos by the instructor. A weekly project will be assigned with a goal of incorporating creative possibilities in each subject with critiques on Canvas by the Instructor. Each class will be recorded for review and sent to students weekly. The class learning goal for students is an enriched toolbox of creative ideas, and possibilities for the artistic process. Open to all media.

Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $595. Select credit option with price adjustment when registering.

Image: Al Gury.

Register by: September 13
Materials List
Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Information for PAFA CE Online Courses

Mastering Acrylics (Online)


with Frederic Kaplan

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 24, 2024 at 10 am, runs for 6 weeks

Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Interactive asynchronous Canvas content supported by weekly Zoom meetings) 
Instructor:  Frederic Kaplan 
Six-Week Condensed Course (30-Hour Equivalent)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

Master the fundamental materials and techniques of acrylic painting in just six weeks! Through a combination of online videos, illustrated lessons, and live Zoom sessions, learn to paint in the alla prima style, apply paint both opaquely and transparently, blend color and value, and employ various layering techniques. Color mixing and theory are also addressed, and a rich resource of information about the wide array of acrylic painting materials is provided. This course is appropriate for students at all levels, including beginners, but drawing experience is recommended. Weekly Zoom meetings will supplement asynchronous instruction.  

Optional: This condensed course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $595.  Select credit option with price adjustment when registering. 

Register by: September 20 

Materials List

Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies

Information for PAFA CE Online Courses 

Introduction to Digital Drawing and Painting (In-Person)


with Deon Robinson

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 24, 2024 at 12:30 pm, runs for 10 weeks

Tuesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Deon Robinson
Ten-Week Course (30 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

Explore drawing and painting beyond paper and canvas! Learn to create artworks on the computer using Adobe Photoshop and digital pen tablets. Apply drawing and painting concepts such as line quality, color, value, and mark-making techniques as you use your stylus like a brush or pencil with the computer screen or tablet as your digital canvas. Expand your traditional studio practice with digital portrait painting/drawing and silhouette painting techniques.  Students interested in game design may focus on extending fine art principles into the virtual realm in the development of character or creature design, environment design, concept art, or other pre-visual development. Students will utilize programs and equipment through PAFA’s illustration department – an excellent way to learn to work with digital art-making products without, or prior to, purchasing. This course is appropriate for anyone interested in translating their drawing/painting skills to another medium for their personal art-making practice or for students pursuing professional goals. 

Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $595. Select credit option with price adjustment when registering. 

Image: Deon Robinson.

Register by: September 16 

Materials List 

Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies

Painting over the Line (In-Person)


with Kassem Amoudi

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 25, 2024 at 12:30 pm, runs for 10 weeks

Wednesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Kassem Amoudi
Ten-Week Course (30 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

Learn to explore new possibilities and paint more intuitively under the guidance of artist/critic/mentor Kassem Amoudi.  Work from personal subject matter (objects, images, emotions, or ideas) to find your own visual language, informed by examples from contemporary and modern art. Examine how to use concepts of color, harmony, focal point, space, and mark-making as powerful tools of personal expression.  Open painting is heavily supported by critiques and advice from the instructor as he works one-on-one with each student to guide them in their personal style and goals. This course is excellent for students pursuing abstract or nonobjective imagery, seeking knowledgeable feedback and a focused community painting environment.  Painting experience recommended. 

Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $595. Select credit option with price adjustment when registering. 

Image: Kassem Amoudi.

Register by: September 20 
Materials List 
Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies

Oil Painting for Busy Beginners (Online)


with Susan Sullivan

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 26, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Thursdays, 6 – 8 p.m. (Zoom with posted Canvas content) 
Instructor: Susan Sullivan 
Six-Week Short Course (18 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit Only

Do you want to learn how to paint in oils but aren’t sure if you have the time to fit it into your busy schedule? Gain an introduction to the basic materials, techniques, and aesthetics of painting in this accessible, energizing, and convenient short online course!  Explore direct (wet-on-wet) and indirect (layered) painting techniques; color mixing; how to use mediums, solvents and additives; and application methods with a brush and palette knife. Subject matter will include still life, portrait, interior spaces, landscape, and a master copy. Zoom class times will comprise group lectures and demonstrations and studio painting time with one-on-one instruction. Live instruction will be supplemented by helpful content on Canvas, PAFA’s online learning platform.  Drawing experience required. 

Register by: September 20 

Materials List 

Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies 

Information for PAFA CE Online Courses 

Watercolor in the Park Workshop (Outdoor)


with Keith Leitner

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 28, 2024 at 9 am

Saturday – Sunday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Instructor: Keith Leitner
Two-Day Weekend Workshop (includes RAIN DATES*)
Credit: Non-Credit Only

Capture the colors of early fall en plein air through vibrant watercolor! Become comfortable and confident with the practice of working outdoors at picturesque Laurel Hill Cemetery and Lemon Hill in Philadelphia. Instruction will cover means of accurately and expressively depicting outdoor sites, watercolor painting techniques, color mixing, and the history and capabilities of water media. All levels welcome. Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation to painting locations.    

* Rain Dates: October 5 - 6. Please reserve the rain dates in your schedule when registering – no refunds for withdrawals less than one week prior to the original workshop date, including for students unable to attend the postponed date. See policy guide, below. 

Register by: September 20 

Materials List 

Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies 

Drawing: The Extended Portrait (In-Person)


with Phyllis Laver

Calendar Next available session starts Oct 1, 2024 at 12:30 pm, runs for 10 weeks

Tuesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Phyllis Laver 
Ten-Week Course (30 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)

The portrait can encompass not only head and shoulders, but half- and full-body poses, as a depiction of the likeness, mood, or character of the individual subject.  Drawing from the portrait and life model is not only a fascinating study of one’s subject, but it is furthermore one of the most time-honored methods of art training at PAFA. Improve your observation-based drawing skills as you work in charcoal and graphite directly from models in short and long poses, exploring gesture, proportions, anatomy and expression. All levels welcome.  Please note that this portrait class includes the use of nude models. Tuition includes $65 models fee.  

Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $660 (including models fee). Select credit option with price adjustment when registering. 

Register by: September 23 

Materials List 

Fall 2024 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies

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