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Weekend Classes
in CE Courses by Day/Time
Metal Sculpture (In-Person)
with Steve Nocella

Saturdays, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Instructor: Steve Nocella
Ten-Week Course (30 Hours)*
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)
This ten-week course teaches the basic skills needed for making metal sculpture. Learn fundamental methods of cutting, bending and welding metal such as sawing, heating, and MIG welding. Students will be encouraged to explore the medium with directness and spontaneity to gain a knowledge and understanding of its complexion. Open to all levels. Note: Tuition includes a $65 lab fee.
*Note: No class on March 8.
Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $660 (including lab fee). Select credit option with price adjustment when registering.
Register by: January 24
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Painless Perspective Workshop (In-Person)
with Frederic Kaplan

Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Frederic Kaplan
Weekend Workshop
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Perspective is at the heart of good drawing. It allows us to transform the 3D world into a believable 2D image, and it need not be difficult to understand. With still life and interiors as subject matter, learn basic principles and simple methods presented in clear language and without the need for special tools or complex geometry. This workshop serves as a good foundation for further study in drawing. A modest amount of previous drawing experience is recommended.
Register by: March 7
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Figure Painting: The Extended Pose (In-Person)
with David Wilson

Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.*
Instructor: David Wilson
Six-Week Short Course (18 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit Only
*No class on April 5.
Paint from a life model in a multi-week-pose format to develop and refine your figure painting compositions. Extended poses will allow students to adjust and resolve issues of surface, color, and composition. Instruction will cover a variety of topics including glazing, broken color, surface texture, composition and design, the relationship of the figure to the environment, the creation of atmosphere and color harmony, disrupted realism, and open- versus closed-form painting. All levels welcome. Instruction will be geared toward oil, but students are welcome to draw-only, or use other appropriate media, if they wish. Note: Tuition includes a $35 models fee.
Register by: March 7
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Botanical Alla Prima Painting Workshop (In-Person)
with Linda Gist

Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Linda Gist
Weekend Workshop
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Embody the spirit of spring with fresh and immediate painting! Learn to capture the essence of a living, botanical subject quickly and spontaneously in pencil and watercolor. This alla prima method can be used for preparatory studies for sustained paintings, compiling a field sketchbook, or as an end in itself. All levels welcome. Tuition includes a $10 materials fee to cover floral subjects.
Register by: March 14
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Advanced Portrait Drawing Workshop (In-Person)
with RA Friedman

Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: RA Friedman
Weekend Workshop
Credit: Non-Credit Only
This intensive workshop is designed for those looking to push their portrait drawing abilities toward the professional level. Demonstrations and in-class exercises will open up how you see, think, and approach the creation of a likeness, avoiding common pitfalls. Explore subtleties of form and the relationships of lines, planes and tones, capturing the character and energy of the subject. Additionally, instruction will cover facial expressions and deep anatomy of the face, neck, and upper body. Drawing will be primarily in graphite pencil and stick. Introductory portrait drawing or equivalent recommended.Note: Tuition includes a $10 models fee.
For more introductory instruction or optional preparation for this course, see The Portrait in Pencil Workshop.
Register by: March 21
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
The Figure in Clay Workshop (In-Person)
with Colleen O'Donnell

Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Instructor: Colleen O'Donnell
Weekend Workshop
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Learn the techniques and tools of figure sculpture through demonstration and hands-on sculpting from the model. Explore anatomy, proportion, gesture, and design through the versatility of clay. Personal expression will be emphasized though representational and abstract approaches. Open to all levels and perfect for beginners. Note: Tuition includes a $40 models fee.
Register by: March 28
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
City Landscape Drawing and Painting (Outdoor)
with Larry Francis

Sundays, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Larry Francis
Six-Week Short Course (18 Hours)*
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Capture the small-town beauty Manayunk's hilly streets, rowhomes, and storefronts. Learn to create a convincing sense of space, light and time of day while depicting streetscapes, trees, water and sky. Color mixing and painting techniques for oils will be demonstrated, but all drawing/painting media are welcome. Located just 15 minutes outside of Philadelphia, Manayunk offers engaging urban and riverside neighborhood subjects with parking, shade, provisions and facilities available. Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation to painting locations.
*Note: No class on April 20.
Register by: March 28
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Plein Air Painting at Ridgeland Mansion (Outdoor)
with Joseph Sweeney

Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Rain Dates: May 3 – 4*)
Instructor: Joseph Sweeney
Weekend Workshop
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Paint on location on the grounds of beautiful Ridgeland Mansion, the historic 18th century Federal-style house located in west Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Landscape painting topics will include color mixing to achieve a sense of light and air, capturing time of day, compositional fundamentals, and sound painting practices for oil, acrylic, or pastel painting. Students are responsible for their own transportation.
* Rain Dates: May 3 - 4. Please reserve the rain dates in your schedule when registering – no refunds for withdrawals less than one week prior to the original workshop date, including for students unable to attend the postponed date. See policy guide, below.
Register by: April 18
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies