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Weekday Evening Classes
in CE Courses by Day/Time
Portrait and Figure Drawing (In-Person)
with Phyllis Laver

Thursdays, 6 – 9 p.m.
Instructor: Phyllis Laver
Ten-Week Course (30 Hours)*
Credit: Non-Credit or 1.0 Undergraduate Credit (See Below)
Drawing from the portrait and life model is one of the most time-honored methods of art training at PAFA. Improve your observation-based drawing skills as you work in charcoal and graphite directly from life models in short and long poses, exploring gesture, proportions, anatomy and expression. All levels welcome. Note: Tuition includes a $65 models fee.
Learning Objectives
- Students will stretch the traditional definitions of portrait and life drawing to merge the two into personal statements.
- Students will work with clothed and unclothed/life models who are diverse individuals.
- Students will acquire a working knowledge of varied drawing materials, including charcoal, graphite and ink.
- Students will acquire a working knowledge of form and structure in the body.
- Students will develop the ability to better see the model rather than rely on schema.
- Students will acquire knowledge of diverse artists and their ways of working.
*Note: No class on March 6.
Optional: This course is available for 1.0 undergraduate credit for $660, including models fee. Select credit option when registering.
Image: Phyllis Laver.
Register by: January 30
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Oil Painting Foundations (In-Person)
with Frederic Kaplan

Wednesdays, 6 - 9 p.m.
Instructor: Frederic Kaplan
Six-Week Short Course (18 Hours)
Credit: Non-Credit Only
If you’ve never painted before, or your skills are a little rusty, this class is for you. Exploit the resources of PAFA’s dedicated still-life studio and its many thoughtfully composed arrangements. You will acquire grounding in the basics so you can paint what you see with confidence. Materials and painting methods will be discussed and demonstrated, including color mixing and theory. Examples of Master paintings, coupled with individual and group critiques, will help direct and inform your efforts.
Register by: March 5
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Animals in Watercolor (Online) - NEW!
with Michelle Oosterbaan

Thursdays, 6 - 8 p.m. (Zoom with posted Canvas content)
Instructor: Michelle Oosterbaan
Six-Week Short Course (18-Hour Equivalent)
Credit: Non-Credit Only
Dogs, cats, and other animals at home or in nature have been depicted in master drawings and paintings throughout the centuries — as portrait subjects themselves or as a part of landscapes, domestic scenes, still lifes, and other genres. Find inspiration in the creatures of the great outdoors or those curled up on your own couch to make animals a meaningful part of your painting practice. Utilize sketches and photo references to explore ways of realistically and expressively depicting domestic or wild animals, to capture facial features, posture/gesture, and textural effects of fur, feathers and whiskers while learning sound visual principles and techniques in water-media. Content will include examples from historical and contemporary art, engaging homework assignments, and discussions about the role of animals in art and tactics for making them a special focus in your own work. Instruction will focus on drawing and watercolor or gouache painting, but students are welcome to work in other media.
Image: Honoré Desmond Sharrer, Study for "Two Dogs in a Still Life" (detail), mid 20th century, casein or gouache on paper, 11 x 14 in. Collection of PAFA, gift of Adam Zagorin and the late Perez Zagorin. Copyright © artist or artist’s estate.
Register by: March 14
Materials List
Winter/Spring 2025 CE Policy Guide, including withdrawal/refund policies
Information for PAFA CE Online Courses